When a program crashed, you pressed
Ctrl+Alt+Del and select the program to end, Windows itself
see that the program has been crashed.
If you don't like waiting for information, the information maybe
you already know, you can change that default time period to 1
To change the default period to 1, follow the next steps:
- To open the Registry Editor click on the Start button on
your taskbar, then click on Run and type
- Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop (see
picture 1).
- Change the value named "HungAppTimeout", from the
current data of 5000 to 1000.
Picture 1
- Change the value named "WaitToKillAppTimeout",
from the current data of 20000 to 1000 (see
picture 2).
Picture 2
- The modifications you made will be in effect after you reboot
your PC.